Best of 2019 Portrait Photography Greener Visuals Photography
I’m proud to share my Best of 2019 Portrait Photography!
I’ve been looking back on this past year and the photos from my Best of 2019 Portrait Photography with so much gratitude for the couples, families, and business professionals I had the privilege to photograph and build relationships with.
As a destination family photographer, I was lucky enough to travel to Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, many parts of New England, and all over Montana this past year for my portrait photography clients.
Everyone had so much to celebrate in their lives.
I harbored so much fulfillment in helping each one of my photography clients rediscover what they valued most in each other and their relationships – in turn helping to bring out the best versions of themselves.
This year I chose the photos for my Best of 2019 Portrait Photography that showcased the photographs that meant so much to my clients.
For me, 2020 is shaping up to be another great year of celebrating the best in life.
Thanks for the continued support everyone! Happy New Year! -M